West Lake will always have a place in my heart


Amanda Johnson in love with the West Lake Photo provided to Hangzhoufeel


By Amanda Johnson

During my travels here in Hangzhou, I have visited many places, museums, shopping centers, the subway, even been able to stay with a local family to experience Children’s Day. Along with many great places Hangzhou has to offer, the West Lake was one of the primary places I have come to love.

West Lake is a serene place in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of the city. When I had the chance to explore the West Lake, it was raining, but amidst all the rain, there was beauty. Watching the fish swimming around at the flower pond created a sense of calm when I first entered. The path to the lake shore had unexpected amounts of plants that were greener than I have ever seen and trees that covered the walkway were like a canopy. So, on a nice and sunny day there would be shade, or on a rainy day the coverage keeps people dry. They made walking along the path more than a walk through the nature. It made me take a jump back in time during the Song Dynasty, as was depicted in the painting Along the River during the Qingming Festival.

Looking out over the lake while taking a boat to the three islets was the highlight of the trip to the West Lake! I saw the differences of each pagoda surrounding the perimeter of the lake. The colors of each pagoda or different shades of black and red throughout the pagodas showed the natural wear and tear. Even the shingles of each pagoda were placed in different patterns, which made each pagoda unique. The style and shapes of the pagodas varied by not having four walls, but having six or eight walls, making them rounder.

It was amazing to see how nature and architecture balanced each other out through color and shape. For example, there was a moon gate painted in a white cream color, but when looking through the gate I saw all this green, ridged, long, thin bamboo with a path down the center, which was lined with beige cobble stone. I also saw this with the sandy color of the bridges and pagodas with a dark roof out on the water as I looked out to see the vibrant lilies blossoming on green pads.

The water lilies were in full bloom, of many colors (pink, purple, and even some yellow) throughout the three islands. The pouring rain created a background that allowed my eyes to see every detail of these sophisticated flowers. They were enclosed by a green and thick capsule that supported this delicate flower till it was ready to bloom. The tips of the elegant and thin petals contained most of the brilliant colors. The large green lily pads with a water repellent coat created a luscious green background for the flowers. Together, they created the best plant that I have seen during my time in China.

On the boat ride back, looking back at the three pillars in the water, which are also displayed on the back of the one-yuan bill, it gave me the feeling that I had seen everything in China and yet, this was only the first of my four-week-stay in the country.

Hangzhou will always have a place in my heart.