British Chamber of Commerce Shanghai’s Zhejiang Office unveiled in Hangzhou



By Zhu Jingning

“We can take all of this collective engagement from Zhejiang as a good sign for UK-China business relations, showing that Zhejiang’s uniquely dynamic, diverse, and innovative ecosystem is unwavering,” said Matthew Burney, British Consul-General in Shanghai, at the opening ceremony of the British Chamber of Commerce Shanghai’s Zhejiang Office in Hangzhou’s Gongshu district on May 14.

The establishment is expected to further promote business cooperation between Chinese and British enterprises in Zhejiang Province and support the international development of local enterprises.

On May 15, representatives from Chinese and British law firms, consulting firms, academic institutions, and multinational enterprises held a special discussion on the foray of Chinese companys into the European market through the lens of ESG principles. Additionally, European projects and investors visiting China for the first time participated in intellectual and fund docking activities on a canal cruise, experienced the cultural charm of the Grand Canal, and discussed the prospects of talent, science and technology, and industrial cooperation in the field of life and health between China and Europe.

Since last year, Gongshu district has fully promoted international talent entrepreneurship and innovation, focusing on synthetic biology, new energy, artificial intelligence, computing economy, space information, metaverse, and other future industrial segments, achieving the launch of 13 projects, including Manboshu Bio Tech from France and Doscon from Norway.

In the future, leveraging the construction of Hangzhou International Talent Entrepreneurship & Innovation Park, Gongshu will host the first China-EU Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Conference at a high level, accelerate the implementation of international talent projects, and welcome more foreign talents to live and work in Hangzhou.