Hangzhou Metro offers luggage storage and umbrella rental services


Photo provided to Hangzhoufeel


By Miao Simin Zhu Jingning

Hangzhou Metro is piloting a luggage storage service called “Easy Go”.

Citizen Center on Line 4, Chengzhan and Wan’an Bridge on Line 5, and Wushan Square on Line 7 are part of the first batch of pilot stations. Multiple luggage lockers have been installed in the paid areas of these stations, and passengers can log in to the Hangzhou Metro applet on WeChat or Alipay to deposit or retrieve their luggage by following the instructions.

Each station offers three sizes of luggage lockers: small, medium, and large. Small bags, backpacks, and shopping bags can be stored in the small locker; 21-inch suitcases fit in the medium locker; and 28-inch suitcases fit in the large locker.

The pilot period of the service runs from Aug 31 to September 30. During the pilot period, the service is free, providing complimentary luggage storage and delivery for up to 8 hours per session. Starting in October, the first half hour will remain free, with charges beginning at the 31st minute: 2 RMB per hour for the small locker, 4 RMB per hour for the medium, and 5 RMB per hour for the large.

The luggage storage and delivery service is available during each station’s operating hours. Passengers are advised to retrieve their luggage before 10:30 p.m., as access to metro stations is not permitted after closing.

On Aug 29, Hangzhou Metro also launched a convenient umbrella rental service via QR code. By scanning a QR code with Alipay or WeChat, passengers can easily borrow and return umbrellas on rainy days. A deposit of 20 RMB is required to borrow an umbrella, which can be returned within 7 days at any Hangzhou metro station.

Hangzhou is also piloting the “Subway Express Delivery”, cutting delivery times by 30 minutes and improving punctuality. Nearly 100 packages are transported via subway each day. As the program develops, Hangzhou Metro will adjust the delivery volume as needed.