A memorable trip to explore Hangzhou Liangzhu Day


Dafli Abderrahim (left two) Photo: Jin Yingying


By Dafli Abderrahim

July 6 marks a day of historical significance and cultural celebration, and this year, we are commemorating the 5th anniversary of the successful listing of the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a title that underscores its importance in the annals of human civilization.

The celebrations of the 5th Liangzhu Day began on July 5 as guests came all the way from Spain to witness these ancient ruins and take a glimpse into a sophisticated yet mysterious society that flourished over 5,000 years ago.

Three international students from Hangzhou Dianzi University, including me, were invited by Hangzhoufeel to attend the “Liangzhu and the World Dialogue Between Chinese and Spanish Civilizations: Liangzhu Ancient City·Toledo Ancient City” . The Dialogue highlighted two significant world heritage sites: the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City in China and the Ancient City of Toledo in Spain. Both sites exemplify the rich civilizations of their respective countries.

It was an unforgettable experience, as we participated in the Hangzhou Liangzhu Day event. The event was a melting pot of cultures, where I had the pleasure of meeting people from various countries, each bringing their unique perspectives and backgrounds.

Our next stop was the Liangzhu Museum, which offered a deep dive into the rich and fascinating Liangzhu culture. The museum’s exhibits were enlightening, providing a comprehensive overview of the ancient civilization that once thrived in this region. I was particularly captivated by the intricate jade artifacts and the detailed reconstructions of Liangzhu architecture and daily life. These displays not only enhanced my understanding of the culture but also left me in awe of its historical significance and artistic achievements.

One of the highlights of the day was filming videos for the museum. As someone who is passionate about videography, I found this part of the experience immensely enjoyable. Capturing the essence of the exhibits and the ambiance of the museum allowed me to combine my love for visual storytelling with my newfound appreciation for Liangzhu culture.