How to survive scorching heat in Sanfu


golden and silver hooves

Sanfu paste

public cooling space


By Wang Qingwei Zhu Jingning

As the oppressive summer heat gradually settles in, Hangzhou is poised to endure the canicular days, known locally as “Sanfu Tian”, starting from July 15. Moreover, it will not ease until August 23, which is 10 days longer than usual, with the highest temperature expected to exceed 40 degrees Celsius. Now let’s resort to Hangzhou’s authentic seasonal diet and remedies to help you survive the dog days!

Refreshing foods

There is a traditional saying that “during Toufu (the first 10 days of Sanfu), indulge yourself with ham; during Erfu (the second 10 days), enjoy yourself with chicken; during Mofu (the last 10 days), savor the golden and silver hooves.” The last term “golden and silver hooves” refers to ham and fresh pig feet stew, as the ham gilds the white pig feet when cooked.

The reason why ham is frequently enjoyed during the canicular days is that it can effectively rouse the appetite suppressed by the summer heat with its unique flavor. In addition to the aroma and taste, ham also perfects the color of dishes. For instance, when cooking the golden and silver hooves, ham can create an enticing golden hue, while the fresh pig’s hooves exhibit a shimmering silver-white color.

Additionally, a veggie version of the saying goes, “During Toufu, enjoy wax melons; during Erfu, have some eggplants; during Mofu, indulge yourself with unpeeled pumpkins,” since these juicy vegetables are believed to be stomach-soothing, nourishing, and energy-boosting.

TCM therapy

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, people can take advantage of the high summer temperatures and abundant yang energy in the body to adjust the balance of yin and yang, treating the root cause and preventing illness.

Sanfu paste, or Sanfutie, is a TCM treatment method that aligns with the characteristics of each season by applying herbal medicine to specific acupoints to enhance meridian flow, harmonize yin and yang, alleviate cough and asthma, and balance organ function during the Sanfu period.

This treatment will be available at community clinics and hospitals such as the Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where citizens can schedule appointments and experience it.

Public cooling spaces

As a usual practice in the summer, five abandoned air-raid shelters and caves across the city have been cleaned up and opened to the public as natural cooling spaces since July 1. These spots are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily for two months.

The cooling space located in Sipailou is about 500 meters long and has a total area of more than 1,000 square meters, making it the most popular among the public. Built in the mountains, it is also a civil air defense experience museum.

Now the shelters and caves are well-equipped with an array of facilities such as comfortable seating, ventilation fans, and dehumidifiers. Complementing these features are the provisions of bottled drinking water, newspapers, magazines, and free Wi-Fi, ensuring that the public’s needs are properly catered to. With regular air quality checks, a comfortable and healthy air condition is ensured.