Cameroonian girl weaves fabric of life with TCM and fashion design


Vaniresse was wearing a dress designed by herself.


By Chen Miaolin

Our story unfolded on a vibrant morning in the orthopedic consultation room of Zhejiang Province’s Xinhua Hospital, amidst the hustle and bustle of patients and the constant calling of treatment numbers. Among them, she was distinguished by her unique complexion and appearance, her eyes sparkling with the excitement of a new day’s discoveries.

Inside the orthopedic consultation room, an elderly man, confined to a wheelchair, gazed upon this young intern doctor with a mixture of curiosity and hope. With a feather-light touch, she carefully examined his knees, her brow furrowed in concentration. “Does this hurt? And how about this?” she gently lifted his leg and inquired patiently.

She is Vaniresse DONGMO M. from Cameroon and is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Orthopedics in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University. Her journey into medicine began in high school when she was drawn to the charm of science and the human body, whose complex systems and functions form a universe she longed to unravel. However, as fate would have it, her path took an unexpected turn when she stumbled upon TCM during her second year of the master’s program. The philosophy of balance, the harmony between the body and nature, and the profound understanding of the human system struck a deep chord with her.

“What got me so much interested is the fact that Chinese medicine considers the whole body of a human in the nature where you are living and where you are interacting and which can influence your health.” Considering that health is tightly connected to the environment, she also advised our readers to maintain a constant internal body temperature, cautioning against the overconsumption of cold drinks in summer due to their potential adverse effects in winter.

Deciding to abandon what she had been studying for a year and travel across the vast ocean to China to study TCM was fraught with difficulties. The differences in language and culture seemed like two towering mountains, but Vaniresse firmly said: “It was already inside of me. It was from my inner will that I decided to finally give up on other things.”

Her daily routine was both structured and dynamic, with a captivating interplay of rationality and romance. She would rise early, preparing for her medical classes and hospital internships, delving deeply into the intricate world of orthopedic research. But in her relaxing time, she reserved her evenings for her other profound passion—fashion design.

As Vaniresse showed her latest creation, she spoke with passion about the piece that was deeply rooted in history. Standing in her little workshop, surrounded by piles of fabric, she gestured towards the intricate design, eyes shining with pride.

“These designs,” she began softly but excitedly, “they tell a story. Look, here is a pattern that resembles the roads they took during wartime, paths they took to evade enemy columns. And this central point, it represents where they would hide, a safe haven in chaos.”

She also has her own clothing brand and the slogan “Rise because you are worthy,” is more than a phrase; it is a rallying cry for self-acceptance and empowerment. It is also the heartbeat of her book, Drop Your Masks, a narrative of personal growth, where she invites readers to embrace their imperfections and rise above their challenges.

Unraveling her story in the pages of her book and the threads of her garments shows that her journey is not just about the pursuit of knowledge or the creation of beauty. It is a testament to the boundless potential of one who dares to dream.

Looking towards the future, Vaniresse plans to return to Cameroon, armed with the knowledge of TCM and a vision to integrate it with African traditional medicine. As for her fashion designs, she is open to exploring the fusion of Chinese and African elements, creating a unique style that is truly her own.

As she shares her wisdom with us, she offers this advice to fellow travelers on this journey called life: “Embrace the duality of your existence. Accept the shadows as much as the light, for it is in the interplay of both that you truly rise. And remember, you are worthy of every effort to rise.”