Chinese philosophy behind consuming bitter food during Xiaoman


Photo:Li Yechi

Solar Terms

By Aqeel Fiaz

I am a Pakistani student at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University (ZCMU) studying Clinical Medicine. In a recent collaborative video by ZCMU and Hangzhoufeel, my teacher and I explored the traditions and wisdom surrounding Xiaoman, or Grain Buds, one of the 24 solar terms in the traditional Chinese calendar.

The video began humorously with me eating a bitter flower, thinking it would balance my internal environment with the slightly hot external weather. My teacher, Ms. Zhu Wenpei, quickly corrected me. She explained that while consuming bitter foods during Xiaoman is beneficial, it needs to be done correctly and with understanding.

Ms. Zhu then elaborated on the essence of China’s solar terms. She explained that Xiaoman is a period when Yang energy starts to gather. To demonstrate this, she offered me a bitter beverage, which turned out to be milder than expected. This moment reminded me of my grandmother’s wisdom in Pakistan, where she observed weather changes every 15 days, influencing our food and agricultural practices. It struck me how both Chinese and Pakistani cultures share a deep respect for nature’s rhythms and their impact on our lives.

Ms. Zhu further explained that the practice of consuming bitter food during Xiaoman is more nuanced. According to “The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic”, an ancient book hailed as the bible of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), mildly bitter foods help balance the body’s internal environment with external conditions during Xiaoman. This supports the smooth flow of Yang energy, which is crucial at this time of year.

The book also suggests key lifestyle adjustments for Xiaoman. One recommendation is to adjust sleep patterns: go to bed later and wake up earlier to align with the increasing Yang energy. Additionally, minimizing external disturbances and avoiding anger are essential to maintaining inner peace and ensuring the smooth circulation of Yang energy throughout the body. Ms. Zhu said that both excess and deficiency can disrupt our health. Overindulgence can lead to an overflow of energy, while insufficient care can cause a deficiency, both of which can harm the heart and lead to diseases. Therefore, during Xiaoman, it is crucial to approach life with a balanced and mild attitude, avoiding extremes in our habits and routines.

This concept of balance extends to dietary practices as well. Slightly bitter foods recommended during Xiaoman help to clear heat and support the heart, which is particularly vulnerable during this period. Foods such as bitter melon, chrysanthemum tea, and certain leafy greens are beneficial, but they should be consumed in moderation to avoid imbalances.

Starting from Xiaoman, the video series “Solar Terms and the Universe” will offer you health tips on every solar term. Stay tuned!