Unleash your "Hangzhou Feel" on Citizens' Day


Hangzhou's renowned Cherry Blossom Running Track Photo provided to Hangzhoufeel

A meal at the community canteen

A lovely environment in Hangzhou

By Zhu Jingning Jin Yingying

As spring transitions to summer, Hangzhou gears up to celebrate its annual Citizens' Day, a tradition rooted in the city's liberation on May 3, 1949. Officially established on December 29, 2020, by the Hangzhou Municipal People's Congress, May 3 is now "Hangzhou Citizens' Day," honoring the spirit and identity of its residents.

The theme for this year, "Hangzhou Feel", encapsulates the city's unique essence as experienced by its residents. Whether it's savoring a bowl of hot scallion oil noodles at a local breakfast spot or exploring the natural beauty around West Lake, each moment contributes to the city's charm. Some residents express their "Hangzhou Feel" through art and photography, capturing the city's vibe in their creative works.

China's Happiest City

For the 17th consecutive year, Hangzhou has been named "China's Happiest City", underscoring its commitment to fostering a joyous environment for its residents. This year's Citizens' Day is focused on unlocking more of the "Hangzhou Feel", starting from the happiness found within the community.

Economic growth plays a significant role in Hangzhou's residents' happiness, as evidenced by the latest economic data for the first quarter. The city's GDP reached 511.2 billion yuan, a 5.1% increase from the same period last year at constant prices. Additionally, Hangzhou's residents saw an increase in their incomes, with the average disposable income per capita across the city reaching 24,078 yuan, a 5.2% increase from last year.

A city that cares for its citizens

Hangzhou is a city that prioritizes love and care. It encourages community canteens designed for senior citizens to be open to the general public. Any senior citizen over the age of 60 can enjoy a discount ranging from 5% to 20% in these canteens. Hangzhou expects community canteens to meet the needs of meal assistance services for senior residents while providing diverse dining options for people of all ages. For instance, the Xipan community's "Le Shi Fang" Restaurant in the Xixi subdistrict partners with delivery platforms to offer meals for the elderly and affordable dining options for delivery workers, sanitation workers, and others.

Hangzhou is also a city of leisure and romance. Some unique and melodic songs performed by senior citizens near West Lake have garnered significant attention, earning them the title "new tourist attraction in Hangzhou". Following Jay Chou's four concerts in Hangzhou, two senior fans who frequently sing his songs by West Lake were surprised with an invitation from Jay himself to attend his concert, where they sang two songs together.

This is the continuous two-way connection between the people and the city. People dance, perform opera, and sing bel canto by West Lake, on the City Balcony, by the Grand Canal, and in virtually every corner of the city's green spaces. This illustrates the diversity and inclusiveness of Hangzhou's urban culture. Behind the sense of relaxation is a full sense of happiness, bolstered by the city's careful planning and continuous governance efforts.

Experience "Hangzhou Feel" on Citizens' Day

Since its inception in 2021, Hangzhou Citizens' Day has grown in significance, offering a diverse array of events each year. This month, the city will host a series of activities, including a short video competition, a calligraphy and painting exhibition, mountain hikes, and an animation-themed river cruise.

As part of the Citizens' Day events, Hangzhou launched its third Community Line Dance Competition on April 18, with categories for youth, communities, and families. The event was open to participants from all 13 districts and counties for the preliminary rounds.

Hangzhou also invites you to enjoy games and explore the city. The Spring Carnival of Cycling Ride kicked off at Fuyang's Fuchun Riverside, Tonglu's Cherry Blossom Avenue, Jiande's Xin'an Greenway, and Chun'an's Asian Games track. On April 21, Fuyang hosted its first marathon in history, with 6,000 runners from 15 countries and regions running along both banks of the scenic Fuchun River.

The "All Citizen Anime & Traditional Festive Parade" on May 18 will animate the bustling Hubin Pedestrian Street, highlighting a cultural blend of anime and traditional Chinese elements. As part of the China International Cartoon Festival, this event invites enthusiasts to don their best costumes and participate in the parade for a chance to engage with the anime community.

Hangzhou is also launching a global campaign to uncover the code of "China's Happiest City". Capture the essence of Hangzhou through your lens or words, and share your unique "Hangzhou Moments" with us!