HZ helps update understanding of China for friends from afar


The Thai delegation visited Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center

The German delegates explored Xiaogucheng Village Photo provided to Hangzhoufeel

by Daria Fominykh

Just as Confucius says, "Is it not a pleasure to meet friends coming from afar?" Hangzhou is welcoming more international friends with open arms.

Hangzhou is a city where the past and future not only coexist but thrive together. The city's recent engagements with international delegations from Thailand and Germany, both organized by Hangzhou People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, illuminate Hangzhou's unique proposition as a center for technological innovation, cultural depth, and social advancement. These visits offer a window into the city's successful fusion of natural beauty with technological prowess.

Thai delegation explores Hangzhou technologies

Recently, over 50 Thai executives from top private and public organizations have visited Hangzhou for three days as part of their program at the King Prajadhipok's Institute (KPI), an academic institute established under the supervision of Thailand's National Assembly.

The itinerary was carefully curated to showcase Hangzhou's technological and cultural landmarks, each selected for its global relevance and innovation. Thai representatives visited the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center, a marvel of modern architecture, that symbolizes Hangzhou's capacity to host world-class events, such as the 19th Asian Games. Its design and facilities reflect the city's blend of aesthetic beauty with functional innovation, a principle that resonates deeply with Thai visitors aiming to understand the fusion of technology and culture.

The visit to Alibaba's headquarters was another highlight, providing the delegation with insights into China's e-commerce. Alibaba's global reach, innovative business models, and commitment to sustainable development offered the Thai delegates a glimpse into the future of commerce and technology.

Finally, the delegation visited Yowant Technology's headquarters for discussions and learning about the booming e-commerce industry. Yowant has emerged as a leader in this field, thanks to its innovative use of technology and market insights. During their visit, executives from the training program sought insights into entering the Chinese market with Thai products through live commerce, querying about the necessary processes and governmental policies affecting such ventures. This visit highlighted their interest in strengthening ties with Chinese e- commerce firms and exploring further collaboration opportunities.

At the trip's conclusion, Professor Praipol Koomsup, the Chairperson of the Committee of Graduate Diploma in Management of Public Economic Program at KPI, highlighted the longstanding friendship and growing economic ties between Thailand and China. He shared: "Despite China's faster economic growth (compared to Thailand's), our cooperative relationship serves as a model for Thailand and other developing countries aiming for economic development". When evaluating the visit to Hangzhou, Professor Koomsup mentioned that the delegates learned a lot and that it would be beneficial to learn from Hangzhou's development experience.

German delegation's promotes dialogue between China and Germany

For the German delegation from the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, one of the six major political foundations in the Federal Republic of Germany, the visit focused on promoting political dialogue and people-to-people exchanges between China and Germany. During their visit to Hangzhou, the delegation explored significant cultural and innovative landmarks such as Xiaogucheng Village, Dream Town, and the West Lake, appreciating Hangzhou's stunning natural landscapes and its vibrant innovative spirit.

Xiaogucheng Village and Dream Town stood out as exemplars of the organic integration. Xiaogucheng Village, with its community-driven development and green initiatives, illustrated Hangzhou's commitment to rural revitalization and sustainable living practices. It represents China's broader ambition for ecological civilization, resonating with the delegation's interests in social and environmental sustainability.

The visit to Dream Town, a hub for entrepreneurial innovation, deeply impressed the visitors, as it encapsulated the vision of transforming traditional industries through technology. Its success in nurturing startups and attracting global talents showcased the potential of technology to drive social and economic progress.

At the end of the trip, Dr. Heinz Johannes Bierbaum, chair of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation's Executive Board and the head of the delegation, expressed his pleasant surprise at discovering how Hangzhou successfully integrates future technology with the ecological environment. On this journey aimed at deepening dialogue with China's development, he plans to draw on this experience to enrich the political education content of his foundation. Furthermore, he hopes that this visit will update Germany's and even Europe's understanding of China, allowing more people to recognize the true landscape of China's vigorous development.

Hangzhou's Global Magnetism

The places visited by the Thai and German delegations underscore Hangzhou's multifaceted appeal. From the architectural grandeur of the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center to the innovative ecosystems of Alibaba and Dream Town, Hangzhou demonstrates a comprehensive approach to development. These sites are not just destinations; they are testaments to Hangzhou's ability to harmonize technology with tradition, innovation with sustainability, and cultural richness with global outreach.

As Hangzhou continues to evolve, it stands as a beacon of progress, drawing global attention for its unique blend of cultural depth, technological innovation, and environmental consciousness. The city's successful engagement with international delegations highlights its position on the world stage as a model for holistic development.