How internship opportunities open for foreign students after a job fair


photo provided to Hangzhoufeel


By Mashinde Katombe Merveille

Having already made the first contact with the company during the job fair held at the university, my visit to the headquarters of the Hangzhou Dongcheng Information Equipment Company and the factory was further insightful and satisfying, because it allowed us to make a judgment call regarding the internship offer.

The initiative to arrange a visit for a group of students demonstrates the company's interest in hiring trainees from different majors such as mechanical, electrical and software engineering and also business and trade-related majors. They have allowed each of us to gain a clear and basic understanding of the products they manufacture, and also to comprehend the company's expectations and their short-term and long-term recruitment plans.

We were presented with not only the various smart and creative designs of goods and products storage equipment in domains like logistics, medicines, but also and most importantly the digital prepress machines for textile print, which make use of high-technology like UV laser, inkjet and wax jet engraving.

As foreign students in China, fresh graduates or students looking for internship opportunities, we are lucky to have access to such advanced technologies and thankful for the opportunity offered to us for our future careers as engineers in our respective majors.

I believe that this is an opportunity for us to think about developing the textile industry or the printing industry in our future careers because the company has shown its clear intention to remain open to any cooperation in the future for the sale of its machines abroad or in our own countries. Additionally, we will have the possibility to comprehend different aspects of the machines thanks to the internship opportunity that has been provided to us and also the opportunity to be employed after the internship depending on our plan for the future.

The Student Internship and Employment Recruitment Fair, sponsored by the ZJUT Employment Guidance Center and International College, held on April 23 and attended by hundreds of international students from various majors and countries, is what made this visit possible. I believe this is quite a good initiative and I'm hopeful it won't be the last time, and I might even suggest holding such an event more frequently than once a year.